Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles is a non profit 501(c)3, no kill rescue committed to saving
all types of German Shepherd Dogs from high kill shelters and adopting them to loving, qualified homes.

Layla von Leuna

Layla von Leuna is a wonderful smaller sized 3-4 year old Shepherd mix. She's a darling girl who enjoys her walks and listens well to her person if she gets a bit too excited about her outdoor adventures. With a medium energy level, she does well on group walks and enjoys taking in all of the sights and sounds that the world has to offer. Friendly with people and with dogs, Layla is happily working on her basic commands and thrives on earning treats for doing them. In her playgroups, she feels comfortable and ready to explore. She's looking for a home with a nice yard that she can enjoy and make her own.


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